Radars Import
Available at PRO plan |
Before you import radar, you need to configure Jira Integration
You can store radar data on a kanban board in Jira, where:
Board column → ring (status)
Each column must be associated with exactly one status
Project component → section (quadrant)
Each component must have a unique title
Issue → item (technology)
Each issue must have a unique title
Each issue must be associated with exactly one component
Single select custom field → item tag
Textarea custom field → item revision comment
Import process
Provide Specific Data
Select import type: Single, Mass.
Select Project with your radar board by starting to type its name/key
Select Board Name from the list of Projects kanban boards
Optionally select Custom Field to use as tag by starting to type its name
Optionally select Custom Field to use as revision comment by starting to type its name
Select Next
Customizing Radar Structure
At this step you can choose radar title and customize its view.
You can customize the radar to your liking with:
Removing redundant
Selecting background color
Removing redundant
Changing radius
Selecting Label Color
If you accidentally delete the required section or ring, you can always click the Reset button and customize structure again.
When you will be ready to import your Radar - just click the Import button.
Special cases
Base rules
Issues without a component are not imported
Issues with 2 and more components are not imported
Columns with 2 and more linked statuses are not imported
Backlog status is not imported
Each custom field must be associated with a selected Jira project.
All child radars inherit the parent structure when mass imported