Editing Radars

Requires at least Maintainer role

To start radar editing:

  1. On the left sidebar, at the top, select Home Logo.

  2. Find the desired radar in the list.

  3. From the dropdown list, select Edit.

Edit for paid plan

Available on paid plans

General Settings

On the left sidebar, from the Settings dropdown, select General.

Common Settings

In the common settings group you can:

  • edit the name of the radar

  • edit readonly checkbox (it prevents radar data editing from ui if checked)

Set up Git Dependencies Scanner

Before Steps
  • Configure Git integration


In Dependencies Scanner settings group you can set

  • git repositories http/https url

  • branch to scan

  • package managers to include in scanning

  • frequency of scans

Supported package managers
Package Manager Details


Lock files *gradle.lockfile


Lock files package-lock.json

Sync with external datasource

In sync settings group you can:

  • edit frequency of sync imported radar with external datasource (1d by default)

All child radars inherit the parent value until manually configured

Danger Zone

In the danger settings group you can:

  • delete the radar

Customize Structure

On the left sidebar, from the Settings dropdown, select Structure.

Further actions are the same as in Create using constructor

Please note that renaming sections/rings only correctly affect existing items if you keep the same number of sections/rings as before the edit.

Edit for free

Available on free plan

Further actions are the same as in Create using JSON file