
This section describes how to backup and restore your data. To use commands below Ginc Radar must be running.

Creating backup

To create a backup run ginc-radar-ctl backup on full app service.

Example output:

ginc-radar-ctl backup
Dumping Build Info
Dumping ginc-radar.cfg
Dumping rsa keys
Dumping Postgresql DB
Backup is written to file /var/lib/ginc-radar/backups/1718876389_2024_06_20_1.0.0_ginc-radar_backup.tar

Restoring from backup

The version of the installed application must exactly match the version from the backup copy.

Restoring linux package

To restore your data from backup run ginc-radar-ctl restore $path_to_backup_archive.

Restoring docker installation

To restore your data from backup run docker exec ginc-radar ginc-radar-ctl restore /var/lib/ginc-radar/backups/$archive_file